April Eschweiler

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I am April Eschweiler and I am a brain cancer survivor and miracle. I am married to my wonderful husband, Rob, and we have two amazing children, Ellie and Ethan. After two months of having symptoms, I finally had an MRI on Friday, June 13, 2014. I got a phone call from the neurologist informing me that I had a “fairly large mass” in the left frontal lobe of my brain that was likely a glioblastoma (astrocytoma grade IV). I was told that this was the most common type of brain tumor in adults. Not knowing anything about brain tumors, I actually thought this was a good thing that at least I didn’t have some rare form of cancer.

Finding out I had a brain tumor was one of the most surreal and shocking moments of my life. I knew the only place I wanted to be was MD Anderson (MDA). We were able to get in to see Dr. Weinberg at MDA the very next morning and he confirmed that the MRI images of my tumor looked very much like an astrocytoma grade III or IV. Surgery was scheduled for the following week. Radiation and chemotherapy appointments were set up. To top it off, the location of the tumor caused some concern for my speech/language so Dr. Weinberg wanted me to be awake during the resection of the tumor so I could be talking. I am a woman of strong faith and belief in God so I did the only thing I could do–I began praying. My fervent prayer was that God would change the cells of the tumor so that it would not be what the doctors feared it was and that my speech would not be impaired after surgery.

Through the skilled hands of a wonderful neuro-surgeon and the anesthesia team, I came through surgery with flying colors. Four days later, we received a call from Dr. Weinberg that pathology results had come back, and my tumor was most like an astrocytoma grade I which is typically only found in children. I truly believe God changed the cells of that tumor and healed me! I believe a miracle was performed in my brain, and I am so grateful to God and to my wonderful team of doctors at MDA that I hopefully still have many years of life ahead of me and that I will get to see my children grow up. Every day is a precious gift!