Tammy was diagnosed with a very rare, very aggressive brain tumor on Valentine’s Day, 2008. She was 33 years old, but it was a kind of tumor that babies normally get called ATRT. She’s had two surgeries, six weeks of Proton Therapy, and a year and four months of chemo. Right after that, in January of 2010, they said there were cancer cells in her spine. In 2011, we found out that NOTHING had grown. What we had seen on the MRI of her brain, even six months prior, was probably scar tissue!! It has left her with double vision, but we’re hoping there might be some surgery somewhere down the line that might be able to fix that! Thanks to all the scientists and researchers behind the scenes, as well as the doctors, for making the right decisions. Since the cancer was so rare in adults, they basically had no protocol to follow!
Tammy Russell