Alicia Marie Rainbolt entered this world as an earthly angel on January 25, 1981 and took flight as a heavenly angel on Tuesday, September 24, 2013 surrounded by her family. Although her time on earth was short, her accomplishments were great. She walked with CHRIST throughout her life. She ministered behind the scenes by her actions, words and deeds. She grew up in Houston where she began her love of travels making many trips to California, Colorado, and Young Life Wilderness Camps. She attended Briargrove Elementary where she began her lifelong activity of journaling, Grady Middle School where she began her love of running and Lamar High School where she was in the IB Honors program. This well prepared her for the University of Texas at Austin, where she was active in Delta Delta Delta sorority and where she received a degree in communications. After college, she moved to NYC where she blossomed into an unbelievable young lady – sophisticated and elegant, yet so humble and gracious. She taught many life lessons to many people, but the most important lesson she taught was to completely TRUST the LORD. When she 1st became ill February 2, 2013, she told us ‘Don’t worry about me – the LORD has already planned this day for me and for YOU too.’ During her illness, Alicia never lost her big smile or the wonderful spirit she is so well known for. Not once did she complain or ask ‘why me’. She greeted everyone with her trademark smile and inquiries about their well being.
She really became an even more powerful ‘FORCE for CHRIST’ once she became involved with Redeemer Presbyterian Church of NYC. She started with Sunday Worship and participation in a small prayer group. Soon she became involved with Bible Study Fellowship where she became a BSF leader. She was selected, trained and became a Deaconess at Redeemer where she provided counseling, prayer, and other support services to Church members in need. Her Church and its Deaconate Program were so supportive of both Alicia and her family during this journey. She went on a Mission trip to the LILY of the Valley Orphanage in South Africa where her BIG SMILE resulted in instant love from the children. She sponsored a little girl from this orphanage whom we have been told was one of the most ‘overlooked’ children there because of her many special needs; the family continues this sponsorship in Alicia’s memory. Alicia saw a need and soon was raising funds to purchase and install a computer system at LILY. In 2009, Alicia took her vacation to serve as a volunteer counselor at a Christian Summer Youth Camp. She worked with many other volunteer services in NYC which she helped support through her participation in NYC Fun Runs. Her love for running led her to becoming a member of the New York Harriers, a national running club. The Harriers held a successful fund raising effort on her behalf. With her love for running and support from and training with the HARRIERs, she qualified to run in both the NY Marathon and the Boston Marathon.
Alicia’s love of travel took her all over the world. This love led her to a career in Public Relations in the Travel and Leisure area. She began her career in NYC with Rudder Finn and then employed as Vice President at Lou Hammond & Associates.